In recent times we have been obsessively focused on only what we can perceive with our five senses. Anything outwith this simply doesn’t exist for a lot of people. Their minds will not allow them to even imagine – and the gulf between those who are willing to imagine, and those who will not, has become greater in recent times too.

Our ancestors knew ‘magic’, they knew that other dimensions existed too. They even managed to reach them at times (Glastonbury/Avalon). Other worlds and beings from other planes are written into ancient history everywhere you look, in every language, and in every culture. Was all of this just the result of overactive imaginations? Have we become more intelligent in recent times? We think we have, with all of our ‘proven’ science, but even with all of this, has it given us the answers to the questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going? There are theories, but these are full of holes when you scratch the surface (see the series Missing Links by Gregg Braden for more on this).

Science has proven that some animals can hear and see more than humans, but it rejects the idea that we could be sharing the planet with other beings that we can’t see or hear…

The idea of life forms on other planets is seen as daft. The ‘conspiracy’ theories that question our governance and their motives is seen as ‘tinfoil hat’. With the world the way it is, shouldn’t we be asking a wider question about who is conspiring against whom? If our governance was so efficient and in our best interests, would there really be all the issues there are?

So anyone that questions those in power is seen as a conspiracist and a bit mad, yet the very same people governing us think it’s perfectly acceptable for us to believe there’s a man living in the clouds in a place called heaven who is watching us being naughty and is ready to send us to hell if we keep it up….seems reasonable.

Alan Watts, the British writer and philosopher, describes everything as either on or off. Everything is energy, and energy is vibration. We are either ‘on’ a vibration, or we are ‘off’ and there is silence. When we are perceiving things our attention is on the ‘on’ – we focus on how things feel to touch, what things sound like, we rarely want to focus on the ‘off’, the nothingness, the silence, or as Joe Dispenza calls it, the space in between. It’s boring and it’s hard work – our brains want to be continuously entertained. Huge amounts of attention goes on the ‘on’ vibration, but we already know what’s there, we understand it. What if we were to train our brains to now explore the ‘off’, the supposed nothingness, what would we learn? The sixth sense, the intuition is how you feel the off vibration, it’s no less tangible than any of the other senses, it is just ‘felt’ in a different way.

If you want a sense to become stronger, you hone it. Chocolate tasters will work their palate to become expert. If you want to spot details, you learn to focus and see the finer points. If you want your intuition to be stronger, you need to tune it – that is, you practise focusing on the space in between using only this sense, closing off all others.

What is right there waiting to be discovered? It’s in this space where people are discovering there’s A LOT more than they thought.

If you’re bored of focusing on the ‘on’, and a lot of us are, change your focus, explore this new undiscovered space – you may be surprised by what you find!