Who Was Joseph of Arimathea?

Who Was Joseph of Arimathea?

  Joseph of Arimathea, a figure steeped in both historical and spiritual significance, holds a prominent place in Christian tradition, particularly within the context of the Essenes. He is most commonly recognised from the New Testament as the wealthy disciple...


  After a long meditation the other day, we received a download which guided us to look into how memories are stored. We were asked to think of a memory, (a nice one!), close our eyes and just observe the scene. We would recommend doing this now before you read...
Are you an Empath? Part 2

Are you an Empath? Part 2

Are You An Empath: Part 2 So, hopefully by now you have taken the empath test on my previous post… you have your answer, so what now? Usually, once you sit with the result for a while, the tears come and these can stay for quiet some time, you may feel a deep sadness...
Are you an Empath? ( Part1)

Are you an Empath? ( Part1)

Having been a highly sensitive person all my life, it was a great relief for me in my 30’s to finally be able to put a name to it. When I first heard it, I burst into tears. The name, was Empath.  Sitting reading the list of empath traits was quite simply life...
Where Does Spirituality Fit Into My Life

Where Does Spirituality Fit Into My Life

Are you wondering where spirituality fits into your life?  Are you finding that sometimes you’re very focused on your spiritual journey, verging on obsessive, and then you are thrown off track?  Or maybe you just can’t find the energy for it at all, even though you...