There’s lots of terminology that you will encounter on your spiritual journey and it can appear as if there is a lot ‘to do’ or many ‘tools’ that need mastering.  In fact, many of the tools and ideas either refer to the same or very similar concepts.  One of the terms you may have heard on your journey, which can often sound very traumatic, is shadow work.  In this article we want to share what shadow work is, and what you need to know.

What is your shadow?

Your shadow is simply the portion of you which you do not see, or you do not pay attention to.

What is shadow work?

Shadow work is acknowledging and becoming aware of the suppressed parts of you so they may heal.  As you become conscious of your shadow, it is no longer a shadow, it becomes an accepted part of you which you can now work on.

Where does the idea of shadow work come from?

Carl Jung identified that the shadow is formed in childhood, and stems from us hearing an emotional response to our behaviour by the adults around us.  For example, you cry at a violent part in a film and a parent says ‘stop crying, you’re so sensitive’.  This behaviour is then suppressed and is replaced by a different response, for example apathy or anger.

As the child grows into an adult, he is unable to process emotions in an authentic way, and resorts to anger leading to anger management issues.  Or perhaps the emotions are suppressed and internalised which can lead to anxiety and depression.

The shadow operates outside of conscious thought, shadow work aims to shine a light on the shadow so that the behaviours become conscious and can be changed.

Shadow work has a reputation for being very painful and traumatic, it doesn’t always need to be like this, in fact, some of what is in your shadow are your greatest gifts and qualities.  In our M Path workshops we aim to shine a light on this part of your shadow.

Treatments that can help with your shadow.

CBT, intuitive coaching, and hypnotherapy can all help to shine a light on that which exists in your shadow.  CBT and Intuitive Coaching in particular will draw forward behaviours and beliefs and help you to identify that which is false, and that which is authentically you.  It is true that seeing your shadow can be emotional, but often the tears are of relief and release.  

Some healers and coaches have the ability to scan you and feel your shadow, which makes them effective at helping you on this journey.

Signs you have much in your shadow

Your shadow creates inauthenticities within you, this can present as mood swings or unexplainable anger when the shadow issue is triggered, low self esteem, low confidence, or feeling a bit like you have split personality or a Jekyll and Hyde feeling.

Why should I become aware of my shadow?

Your shadow can affect your relationships and your spiritual journey.

Your shadow has its own energy field, and we know that ‘like attracts like’, this means you could be attracting negative energy into your life.  If you find yourself always attracting drama, this could be the reason.  Also, what annoys you in others, is often what you’re hiding in yourself.  So if a friend appears to be acting fake with false confidence and this irritates you, there is a high chance that this is in your shadow and what other people see in you, and what subconsciously annoys you about yourself as it’s suppressing a more authentic response.

How does becoming aware of my shadow form a part of my spiritual journey?

Your spiritual journey is ultimately about experiencing unconditional love for all things, and complete connection with source.  If you are not being authentic, then you can’t love yourself completely.  If you are projecting your shadow onto others and seeing negative qualities in them as a result, you can’t experience unconditional love for them.  Part of your spiritual journey at a personal level is becoming self actualised, knowing yourself fully. When you become aware of your shadow, you can become complete again, heal the inauthenticities, and find inner peace.

How can I become aware of my shadow?

Aside from the treatments we have recommended;

  1.  Journal your life story, including all the associated emotions.  Notice where there is anger.  Notice where there is upset.  These are clues that can highlight where parts of your personality have been pushed into the shadow.
  1. Work on your root chakra with self healing energy/reiki.
  1. Observe and reflect on your behaviour without judgement
  1. Consider alternative perceptions when you encounter issues in life ie. remove the idea that there is only one ‘right’, and it’s yours.
  1. Acknowledge your gifts, and the positive parts of your personality which may have been pushed into the shadow.  Have you ‘hardened’ up and lost some of what makes you, you?

As you do this work, remember, it doesn’t need to be wildly traumatic.  Go slowly.  Be gentle with yourself.  Yes, there may be realisations which are upsetting, however, each realisation is a gift as you take one step closer to becoming your authentic self – and that’s when the real fun can begin.

Love & light, 

Sam & Erica