We talk about synchronicities regularly in our workshops, here we want to explain in a bit more detail, exactly what they are and how you can identify them.

What is a synchronicity?

Synchronicities appeared as the first insight in The Celestine Prophecy (recommended reading) and Carl Jung referred to them as ‘meaningful coincidences’.

In short, a synchronicity is a coincidence with meaning eg your Mum calling as you were about to call her, seeing an ad on Facebook for a job that you were just thinking you would be good at, or getting an email about a great deal on a trip somewhere you had just been reading about. It can be two connecting coincidences, or several on the same topic.

Jung described it as the ‘magical effect’ (we didn’t have as much knowledge about quantum physics then!), and said it was a universal trait in humans.

Even though our understanding of quantum mechanics is relatively new, the Chinese I Ching text stated the relationship between our inner state (consciousness) and the world around us. Could it be our ancestors knew much more than we do about how we communicate with the external world?

Coincidence vs Synchronicity

One question that often comes up when talking about synchronicities, is, how will I know the difference between a coincidence and a synchronicity?

Coincidence is meaningless

Synchronicity is meaningful and can be considered an engagement with the spiritual

Coincidence is an unlikely occurrence, whereas synchronicities are so improbable, they can’t be accidental.

Your soul will know when it has experienced a synchronicity, even if your ego tries to argue otherwise. Trust your gut feeling.

How will synchronicities show up?

Synchronicities don’t generally communicate through language, they aren’t verbal messages, but usually symbols and imagery. For example, seeing repeating numbers. Seeing lots of the same animal. Meeting people randomly or seeing the same person multiple times etc.

Dreams can play a part in this too. You can receive messages from the universe and your soul group via dreams.

Practise asking a question before you go to sleep, you can manifest the ability to receive the answers while you sleep.

We do this a lot! It helps guide us. Note the answer you get while your brain is in the ‘Theta’ state, the bit between sleep and full wakefulness. The moment you wake up, your ego will want to get involved and change the narrative.

Why am I having synchronicities?

Synchronicities can highlight lessons you need to learn and help ‘sign post’ you through life. Life gets A LOT easier when you learn to spot and follow these universal signs!

Synchronicities are increasing across the planet for everyone, the Celestine Prophecy refers to it as a ‘critical mass’. Just imagine if everyone started noticing and acting upon these universal signs, how fast evolution would speed up? We all have our part to play!

I want to help! What shall I do when I get one?

Become observant of the synchronicities and ask yourself, what is the message? What does the universe want me to know? If it’s not clear, you can ask your heart (see heart intelligence workshop) or ask the universe for another sign. Over time you will get better at interpreting them.
I want to encourage synchronicities, what can I do?

It’s really important not to become desperate for things to happen as this creates noise that will block the flow. However you can be playful with it.
Try asking a question and then opening a book at a random page and reading. We do this a lot and it always results in something interesting!
Or try asking a question and then doing a spotify shuffle. Does the title of the song or lyrics mean anything to you?

Sentient beings (empaths) receive more synchronicities – the universe wants to communicate with the people who will most likely pick up on the messages! Becoming generally more aware of the non physical (meditation can help this) will likely result in an increase in communication between yourself and the universe, as that’s what synchronicity is….

How am I communicating with the universe?

Everything is energy and quantum physics has discovered that when atoms become quantumly entangled, that is they have mingled and then separated, that they can communicate with each other. We are connected to all that is, and therefore we can communicate with everything. This means that when we have a thought or desire, that we can manifest related things towards us – this is the theory of the law of attraction.

Cause & effect

Every cause has an effect. Every effect has a cause. Synchronicity is cause and effect in action, except we just don’t get to see what the cause was, so it seems a little like magic, as Jung said. We only see the effect in the moment.

Why can’t we see the cause?

Because of the theory of quantum entanglement, that entanglement could have happened at any point in space and time, so the communication that has taken place could have happened at any time. It could also be that beings outwith this space and time, or indeed planet, may be having the communication with you – because you can’t see or hear them, you can’t perceive the cause with your senses.

What is the ultimate point of synchronicities?

Evolution. Synchronicities sign post us to the role we all need to play to change the planet for the better.


Keep a synchronicity journal over the next month.

Life has meaning. We are here for a reason. There are no accidents, everything is cause and effect. Begin to notice the meaning of things.
Restless energy is a sign of incoming change. Acknowledge it and be grateful that deeper awareness is coming.

Energy goes where attention flows. Put your attention where you want the energy to go, and where you want the universe to assist or guide you.
Act on synchronicities. Learn to follow the signs and ‘go with the flow’.
Trust the flow of the synchronicities.

Let go of the life you ‘think’ you should be having, and embrace the life that is meant for you.