How Do I Know If I’m In A Codependent Relationship
Being in a codependent relationship will be a block to your spiritual growth. Codependent relationships demand that a lot of the energy is flowing towards that one person. It’s nobody’s fault as such, it can become just a series of subconscious habits.
Here are a few questions to help you establish if your relationship is codependent;
Am I constantly thinking about the other person?
Am I trying to get their attention all the time?
Do I act in an overly needy way or rely on them to ‘look after’ me?
Do I get self worth from making them feel ok?
Do I continually put my needs and wants second?
Am I always checking up on them?
Do you try and control things to disguise the other person’s issues and problems?
Do I feel bad because of their behaviour at times?
Do I feel depressed or alone any time I need to be alone?
Do I have my own clear set of goals and ambitions in life?
Is there a lot of drama that leads to endless cycles of making up?
Do I dismiss what I’m feeling as it is often ridiculed or minimised?
One or two of these of course isn’t a sign that you’re in a relationship, but if you’re answering yes to them all or making excuses, then chances are you already know deep down