You may have heard us speak about ‘receiving downloads’ or ‘wisdom’. What do we actually mean by these and can it happen to you ?
Firstly, it can happen at any time but mostly after being still and connecting to source. Meditation is the perfect environment for it. We have learned over the years that it is a very specific energy and feeling when it happens and now, whatever we are doing or whatever we are saying we stop and listen to what is being sent. It is treated like gold dust by both of us.
It is very similar to a great idea, or seeing yourself doing something clearly or, creative flow for example. Once you learn to see these insights as a gift, you can use them to guide the flow of your life.
It is well known that people throughout history have spoken about these downloads of information, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Ramanujen’s Summation Theory, Mozart’s Symphonies or DaVinci’s Paintings – all of these spoke about information coming to them from ‘off-body’ or through dreams. It is clear that they all agreed the information received was not from their own brain.
We believe that once a person is living from the Heart, which means they are truly connected to Source (and by Source we mean God, the Universe, the Divine or whatever created us), then a source of energy starts to flow through us and all around us.
Our Heart is controlling our environment and the brain follows, our society at the moment has it so that the brain is the boss and operating from the heart is a sign of weakness. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The HeartMath Institute has carried out many scientific studies which prove that the heart has its own neurons – separate from the brain, 70,000 to be specific. So surely this means that our hearts are intelligent, or why would there be neurons there ?
Once we fire up these heart neurons, we create heart intelligence which, when working in coherence with the brain, creates an electro-magnetic field around us which can be measured up to 9 miles (we are sure it’s actually further than this but they have only measured it this far at the moment). This field we have created merges with the quantum field (the space all around us which we don’t see). This is an intelligent field with endless possibilities and carries information to and from our own personal fields.
Therefore, the ‘downloads’ we are receiving are simply pockets of information from the quantum field, being sent from our higher selves, our soul group or beings from other dimensions who are supporting us on our journeys.
Before we incarnate, we have a soul plan, which is a plan of how this next incarnation will help your soul grow – so anything you have not mastered in a previous incarnation, you get the chance to sort in the next one. The idea is that when we arrive, we have amnesia, we have no recollection of this soul plan and we spend the time we have on Earth remembering who we are and what the plan is. The reminders come in the form of lessons, mistakes, downloads, experiences etc and each one brings us closer to our true self so that by the time we leave the planet, we have completed our mission and our Soul has grown.
As we have said, the easiest way to listen to your Soul is through your heart, this is where your Soul anchors in to your body, your heart is so intelligent that you only have to ask and you will be given the answer – from the field, not from your logical brain.
When we experience downloads we always say that they come in from above, and particularly the right hand side. The right side of the brain is the creative side, the side which is directly connected to the heart and you many find this too if you watch out for it. It is also why when someone is looking for divine inspiration, they look up and to the right.
For us, the feeling that comes when we are connected via our heart centre to the field and receive a download, is one of peace, and lightness, it can feel like you are expanding – leaving your body almost, you many also experiment tingling and goose bumps (or truth bumps as we call them!)
Our advice, keep a journal when they come, as like a vivid dream, you think you will remember but rarely do, so take the the time to write them down, or speak them into your notes on your phone for quickness. You will also find that if you ignore them, its like a woodpecker at your head, pecking away until you act on the information!
Once you start to act on them, you will find that your whole life changes, you have no anxiety, or depression, illness usually dissipates, you can feel the source energy flowing through every cell in your body and you know, you are not alone and if you need answers, they are always there. That’s quite an empowering place to be.