Spiritual Diploma Level III incorporates three major standalone certificates; Foundation Fascia, Sound Therapy Practitioner, and Reiki Master. With 45 minutes one to one time every week with Sam, Level III takes you to a professional level, empowering you to deliver integrated treatments, workshops, and retreats.
– Advanced energy work
– Introduction to Integrative Health
– How to run a retreat
The 12 Week Spiritual Diploma Level III Syllabus
Accredited Foundation Fascia – Fascia is a powerful, intelligent network inside every part of our body. Its’ purpose is protection and communication. In this accredited course, you will learn all about fascia, how to activate it, how we can heal decades of physical trauma and pain and, how you can integrate this amazing modality into your practice. Completion of this course will enable you to become a qualified Fascia Practitioner and obtain insurance.
Accredited Sound Therapy Practitioner – Sound heals: it has been used for eons to heal bones, chronic and acute illnesses, diseases and mental illness. In this fully accredited course you will learn how sound works, how it can heal, and how you can use it alongside other treatments. We will teach you how to use sound bowls to heal either individuals or, groups in a sound bath setting. We have taught sound therapy to so many people who have all gone on to run successful sound baths at retreats or in their communities, many also use sound therapy in conjunction with massage, reiki, reflexology etc. Completion of this course will or enable you to become a fully qualified Sound Therapy Practitioner and obtain insurance.
Advanced Healing & Working With Magnets – The genius of magnets is incredible. Again, this modality is an ancient practice which has been used for centuries, dating back to Lemuria and Atlantis. We will cover the power of magnets, and the efficacy of them along with how to use them in your treatments or, on yourself and family. We are electro-magnetic beings. When we learn to use magnets to influence our own energy, we become healthier and create an incredible environment for healing.
Postural Energetics Teacher – We use Postural Energetics (PE), (also known as Somatics) at the start of many of our retreats and workshops. It is an excellent tool to learn to balance a groups energy, release blocked energies and also amazing for one to one sessions. We will talk you through how to use PE so that you can go on and teach others this amazing modality.
Reiki Master – If you would like to deepen your Reiki practise, then Reiki Master is the next natural step. In this course you will learn more advanced energy work. You will also experience an attunement which aligns you to the highest Reiki frequency and symbols.
Expanding Your Influence (Business) – The days of running authoritarian, top down, dog eat dog businesses are becoming a thing of the past. More and more souls are looking to run purpose led, heart conscious businesses where they can have maximum effect on their communities. In this workshop, learn how to expand your influence in your circle and community and how to live a higher purpose driven life.
Running Retreats – Running retreats can be extremely rewarding. Being lucky enough to spend days with people from your community is such a profound exprience and, an honour. We will teach you how to run a heart centred retreat efficiently and effectively.
Sacred Geometry – The building blocks of our existence stem from sacred geometry. When we learn (or rather, start to remember), these shapes and how we can use them in our day to day lives, things start to change. These higher frequency sacred geometric shapes are encoded with information that we can tap into and use at a cellular level.
Higher Dimensions – Dimensions are just frequencies. In this workshop we talk about all the dimensions, how to quantum leap between them, and how to navigate each one when you are there. We will delve into what happens when we fall unwittingly and the effect that can have on you and your life.
Crystal Grids – Placing crystals in sacred geometric shapes, magnifies their energies and creates a grid, similar to a power plant which we can harness energy from and use in our every day lives. Crystals are living beings which reside in higher dimensions than we do, grids allow each crystal to communicate and this can have a profound effect on our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Introduction to Integrative Health – Now we have covered lots of different healing modalities; our tool box is filling up nicely and we are ready to bring it altogether. Integrative Health is the way of the future. The future of our health system depends on healers and therapists to master their crafts and integrate seamlessly into the modern medicine machine. This is an exciting time to learn complementary and alternative therapies. The world needs more healers who are prepared to think out side the box!
Benefits & What’s Included
– Fascia Certificate & Accreditation
– Sound Therapy Certificate & Accreditation
– Reiki Master Certificate & Accreditation
– 45 min One to One Sessions Weekly
– Online Support Monday – Friday
– Private Space in University
– Spiritual Diploma Level III Certificate & Accreditation
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