After a long meditation the other day, we received a download which guided us to look into how memories are stored.
We were asked to think of a memory, (a nice one!), close our eyes and just observe the scene.
We would recommend doing this now before you read on!
After a few moments, we both recollected what we had seen, and what was interesting was, we both saw the scene from above, specifically the right side of the scene, we didn’t see it through our own eyes – the whole scene including us was observed in the third person.
We decided, to keep trying with different types of memories, then asked lots of different people to do the same, the answer was pretty much the same every time.
So, how is that possible? The details were pretty accurate so if we were standing below on the ground, what was observing and recording the scene?
When we asked for more downloads, we were told that it is our higher self recording the scene, and that some memories are stored off body in the Akashic Records (the records in the quantum field which stores every thought anyone ever had, and every piece of information every recorded).
Further research showed us that this type of memory is known as Observer memory. Ervin Laszlo explains more about this in his book Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field. He tells us of instantaneous Akashic Experiences which are recorded away from the body, seems pretty similar to our experiences.
This all got us thinking, (which is exactly what a download is supposed to do, if definitely sends you down the rabbit hole!), when we are trying to heal, or have a particularly traumatic memory, we can go back and observe the scene from the higher self, the observer in the corner which means we are detached from the event and potentially be impartial.
And what of our higher self, what does this actually mean? Your higher self is the part of “You” who is an unlimited, expanded and super conscious being. The extension of you who is wise and loves unconditionally and its purpose is to support and guide you through life, assisting with the growth of your soul, and from what we can gather, it is also the you who records everything you do and who helps you remember.
We are always very grateful for every download, and they never disappoint, this particular one has certainly given us food for thought. Sam & Erica xxx